Star Lance


Concept Art


A simple game where you control a giant space laser and use it to shoot apart threats to the Earth.


Aliens have invaded the solar system and are throwing everything from meteors to battleships towards the Earth. Humanity however has a trump card, The Star Aegis System, consisting of the Star Lance, which is a giant orbital laser cannon, and the Star Shield, a giant plasma barrier, both of which are powered by the Dragon’s Heart fusion reactor.


The Star Lance is a system of satellites that closely orbit the Earth. In the game, this means that the Star Lance orbits in a circle around the Earth at a certain rate. The Star Lance can fire at anything within a square zone on the player’s screen.


The Earth is also protected by the Star Shield, a powerful enhancement of the Earth’s magnetic field that involves spreading plasma into the field to create one massive shield. However, the Star Lance cannot shoot through the Star Shield, and so, in order for the shield to be active, the player cannot be firing the Star Lance. Basically to use the shield you have to press and hold on the Earth, and the shield will charge up to maximum strength. When you release, the shield will fall back down to a minimum passive strength (initially zero percent, but can be upgraded to something higher). The Star Lance cannot be fired while the shield strength is above the passive strength.


Both the Star Lance and the Star Shield are powered by the “Dragon’s Heart” Muon-catalyzed cold fusion reactor. Thus there is a blue Energy Bar on the interface. Every shot by the Star Lance consumes a unit of energy, and energy recharges at a rate of 1 unit per second, with a maximum store of 20 units. The Star Shield consumes 1 unit of energy to activate, and prevents the energy from recharging while active.


The Star Shield also requires Plasma to function. Thus, there is a purple Plasma Bar on the interface. Plasma represents the effective strength of the Star Shield. Plasma does not recharge but instead is refilled after each wave. There is a maximum store of 100 units of plasma. Some impacts that hit the Star Shield will cause plasma to be dissipated and lost.

Earth and Population

There is also a green Population Bar that indicates the remaining population on Earth. If this reaches zero, you lose the game. Technically the game assumes that Earth begins with a population of 8 billion. Attacks that hit the Earth and are not completely absorbed by the Star Shield (which can be at less than 100% strength) will inflict some number of population loss based on the percentage not absorbed by the Star Shield.


The basic control scheme is that pressing anywhere in the field will fire the Star Lance at that location. Pressing and holding on the Earth will cause the Star Shield to activate. Otherwise, when nothing is being pressed, the Energy will recharge, but Earth will be vulnerable to attack and loss of population.


The game is divided into Waves, with a counter indicating the number of Enemy Attack Forces remaining that are still to appear on the screen. Every few seconds, a new Enemy Attack is launched, consisting of a certain number of Enemy Attack Forces. What enemy appears, its starting location on the periphery and its speed are all determined randomly within certain limits. Each wave has more Enemy Attack Forces than the last. Once this counter reaches zero, the player has successfully survived the Wave and is given a chance to save their progress. Plasma is restored to maximum after every Wave, and the population will increase by 1.1%, up to a maximum of 10 billion. Each new wave doubles the number of Enemy Attack Forces that must be endured, starting from 2 and going for however long the player can last. Ultimately, a player’s score is determined by how many Waves they can successfully fend off before their population reaches zero. They officially win the game if they can survive Ten Waves, though they are also given the option to continue playing indefinitely.

Enemy Attacks


These simply follow a simple trajectory and fall towards the Earth slowly. They come in various sizes.


These rush towards the Earth quickly but don’t do very much damage. They can be divided by the warhead payload, delivery system, launcher, and protection.


These are fired from ships or from afar.


Ships are capable of launching missiles, firing kinetic projectiles for orbital bombardment, or even firing super lasers. What they are equipped with is randomly determined. Warships are divided by Firepower, Engines, and Defences.

Invasion Transports

The Invasion Transport is especially dangerous, because if it manages to land on Earth, it will cause you to temporarily lose control of everything for 1-5 seconds, after which the population will go down by some number of units, representing the civilian casualties of fighting off the invaders. You cannot stop it with the Star Shield, but you can shoot it down easily with the Star Lance. They are basically divided between Speed and Defence.


Description: The fundamental energy component of the STAR AEGIS system. Consists of a both a powerful fusion reactor and the network of energy relays.
Effect: Enables energy.
Prerequisite: NONE

Description: The fundamental offensive component of the STAR AEGIS system. Two orbiting giant space lasers allow total for total coverage of all angles of attack.
Effect: Enables laser attack.
Prerequisite: DRAGON’S HEART

Description: The fundamental defensive component of the STAR AEGIS system. A complex matrix of tiny microsatellites allows plasma to be channeled and charged around the Earth.
Effect: Enables shield defense.
Prerequisite: DRAGON’S HEART

Description: A higher frequency green laser.
Effect: Increased laser firepower.
Prerequisite: STAR LANCE

Description: A higher frequency blue laser.
Effect: Increased laser firepower.
Prerequisite: GREEN LASER

Description: A higher frequency purple laser.
Effect: Increased laser firepower.
Prerequisite: BLUE LASER